Educator Spotlight: Rachel
Rachel Flicker
Nutrition Educator
Rachel has lived in Albuquerque for eight years and spent five of those teaching with Kids Cook! She’s an educator at two of our schools - El Camino Real Academy and Lew Wallace Elementary.
Read on to find out more about Rachel, her Kids Cook! experience and which famous person she’d like to trade arms with.
Before working at Kids Cook! what was the most interesting job you’ve had?
I worked as a summer camp counselor, which is the camp where I met my future husband
What have you gained from working at Kids Cook! ?
I gained a variety of skills from working at Kids Cook! I've learned many cooking techniques and how to handle and store food safely. Also, I've learned some amazing facts about different regions of the world.
What three words would you use to describe working at Kids Cook!?
Energizing, Fun, and Entertaining
Do you have a favorite quote or motivational phrase?
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
How would you describe yourself as a 10-year-old?
As a 10-year-old, I was very shy and a picky eater.
What three things would you want if you were alone on an island?
1) Chapstick
2) pasta
3) a camera
If you could be anyone for a day, who would you choose and why?
Michelle Obama because not only she is super smart and giving but has great clothes and has great arms.
Where is the best place you've traveled to and why?
Paris because the food is incredible and the scenery is very charming.
What is the most important thing you've learned in the last five years?
To speak up for myself.